
Overall Objectives

By sharing academic resources, the consortium’s overall aim is to increase analytic and professional skills among students and Lifelong learners to improve their competencies in CCM through use of GIS and RS tools online. Herein, GeoCLIC introduces the Work-based learning approach to develop training projects and internships in areas impacted by Climate Change. A particular priority is to motivate participation of female learners. 5 modules and OERs (Open Educational Resources) related to CCM will be developed and further enhanced by the use of innovative online learning tools and international collaboration. Employability skills will be boosted by hands-on practices and direct contact with employers. To transfer the project benefits to society, multiple interactions between educators, researchers, environment companies/NGOs and decisionmakers are planned.


Specific Objectives

Other specific objectives are:

  • Fostering employability among enrolled and unemployed graduates as CC analyst in earth observation, GIS/RS sector. The project will promote employment in CCM through GIS/RS among recent graduates emphasizing female participation .
  • Strengthening cooperation GIS/RS enterprise and universities – Enhancing digital readiness and digital skills across institutions -Supporting a community of practice on CCM through a platform (R2)
  • Ensure adequate quality to the OERs developed (R3) through valid certifications (R5) and proper quality assurance methods (R6)